Step into the mystical realm of the Spirit Speakeasy Experience, where renowned psychic medium Kelsey Dalziel invites you to an intimate gathering like no other. In this enchanting evening, limited to just 30 guests, Kelsey will act as a conduit between this world and the next, channeling messages from your dearly departed loved ones in the spirit world.

With a warm and welcoming ambiance reminiscent of a speakeasy from a bygone era, you'll find yourself transported to a space where the veil between the living and the spirit world is at its thinnest. Kelsey's unique gifts and profound connection to the spiritual realm will create a bridge for you to reconnect with those who have passed on, offering comfort, closure, and the opportunity to receive meaningful messages from beyond.

Join us for an unforgettable night of connection, healing, and spiritual insight at the Spirit Speakeasy Experience. It's an evening where love, laughter, and messages from the other side blend seamlessly, reminding us that the bonds of love endure even in the afterlife.

To request a private event please send your request to Parker at

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“Kelsey’s Spirit Speakeasy Experience was such a lovely event. Kelsey is incredibly kind, talented, and thoughtful; and I want to thank her for sharing her gifts. The venue is beautiful and the atmosphere is intimate and welcoming.” - T. S.